Thriller Movies

Thriller Movies

High and Low

High and Low is a gripping crime thriller that explores the stark contrast between the wealthy and the impoverished in post-war Japan. The story follows a businessman who faces a moral dilemma when his son is kidnapped. With a taut...



Joker is a dark psychological thriller directed by Todd Phillips, delving into the origins of the iconic villain through the story of Arthur Fleck, a troubled man who transforms into the Joker amidst a society that disregards him.


The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises is the epic finale of Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, showcasing Bruce Wayne's return as Batman to protect Gotham City from new and formidable adversaries.


The Shining

The Shining is a chilling psychological horror film directed by Stanley Kubrick. It follows Jack Torrance as he succumbs to the sinister forces within an isolated hotel.

The Lives of Others

The Lives of Others

In East Germany, a Stasi officer finds himself entangled in the personal lives of those he surveils, leading to unexpected consequences. This dramatic film explores themes of surveillance, loyalty, and redemption.


Memento Synopsis

Memento is a psychological thriller about Leonard Shelby, a man with short-term memory loss who is on a quest for revenge. The film takes viewers on a non-linear journey that challenges perceptions of memory and reality.


Once Upon a Time in the West

Once Upon a Time in the West is a monumental Western film that intertwines the lives of a mysterious stranger and a notorious outlaw, all while a ruthless railroad tycoon manipulates events from behind the scenes.


Rear Window

Alfred Hitchcock's 'Rear Window' is a gripping tale of a photographer confined to his apartment who suspects his neighbor of murder. The film masterfully builds tension through voyeurism and suspicion.


Léon: The Professional Synopsis

Léon: The Professional is a captivating thriller directed by Luc Besson. It follows a hitman who forms an unexpected bond with a young girl, leading to a gripping tale of survival and revenge.


The Departed Synopsis

The Departed is a thrilling crime drama directed by Martin Scorsese. The story revolves around an undercover cop and a mole in the police force, leading to a tense cat-and-mouse game.


Psycho Synopsis

Psycho is Alfred Hitchcock's groundbreaking thriller that redefined the horror genre with its suspenseful storytelling and iconic scenes. This film remains a masterclass in building tension and delivering shocks.


Parasite Synopsis

Parasite is a darkly comedic thriller that delves into class struggles through the story of two families entwined in a parasitic relationship. This film blends humor, tension, and social critique in a unique way.


Terminator 2 Synopsis

Terminator 2: Judgment Day is an action-packed sequel that surpasses its predecessor in both story and visual effects. This film explores the battle between man and machine, pushing the boundaries of sci-fi cinema.


The Silence of the Lambs Synopsis

The Silence of the Lambs is a psychological horror-thriller that delves into the mind of a brilliant but dangerous serial killer, Hannibal Lecter, and the young FBI agent, Clarice Starling, who seeks his help to catch another serial killer. This...


Fight Club

Fight Club (1999) is a groundbreaking film that delves into the complexities of modern identity and societal rebellion.
