High and Low

High and Low is a gripping crime thriller that explores the stark contrast between the wealthy and the impoverished in post-war Japan. The story follows a businessman who faces a moral dilemma when his son is kidnapped. With a taut narrative and intense performances, this film delves into themes of justice and humanity.


High and Low begins with Kingo Gondo, a wealthy executive in a shoe company, preparing a coup to take over the company. His plans are interrupted when he receives a call from a kidnapper demanding a ransom for his son. However, it is soon discovered that the kidnapper has mistakenly taken the chauffeur’s son instead. Gondo faces a heart-wrenching decision: pay the ransom and risk losing everything he has worked for or let the child die to save his own financial future.

As the narrative unfolds, the police get involved, and an intense manhunt ensues. The film expertly balances Gondo’s moral struggle with the procedural aspects of the investigation. Through a meticulous examination of clues, the detectives close in on the kidnapper, revealing the stark contrasts between the affluent and the destitute in Japanese society.

Director Akira Kurosawa masterfully crafts a story that is not just a crime drama but a profound social commentary. The film transitions from Gondo’s high-rise apartment to the squalid underbelly of the city, highlighting the disparity and desperation that drives the film’s antagonist.

The climax and resolution of the film are both satisfying and thought-provoking, leaving the audience with lingering questions about morality, justice, and the human condition. Kurosawa’s direction, combined with Toshiro Mifune’s compelling performance as Gondo, makes High and Low a standout in the crime thriller genre.

  • Taglines: “Torn between two worlds… He must make a decision that will change his life forever.”
  • Genres: Crime, Drama, Thriller
  • Duration: 143 minutes
  • Year: 1963
  • Rated: Not Rated
  • Metascore: 93

Interesting Facts

  • The film is based on the novel “King’s Ransom” by Ed McBain, although Kurosawa shifted the focus to explore social themes.
  • Kurosawa’s meticulous attention to detail included using real medical professionals to depict the police procedural elements accurately.
  • Toshiro Mifune, who played Kingo Gondo, collaborated with Kurosawa in many films, marking one of the most successful actor-director partnerships in cinema.
  • The film’s original title, “Tengoku to Jigoku,” translates to “Heaven and Hell,” reflecting the contrasting worlds depicted in the movie.

What Makes the Film Great?

High and Low is a masterpiece of storytelling and character development. Kurosawa’s ability to blend a crime thriller with profound social commentary is unparalleled. The film’s exploration of moral dilemmas, combined with its stark visual contrasts and powerful performances, makes it a timeless classic that continues to resonate with audiences.


Akira Kurosawa is one of cinema’s most influential directors, known for his dynamic storytelling and innovative techniques. His other acclaimed works include “Seven Samurai,” “Rashomon,” and “Yojimbo.”


  • Toshiro Mifune: Kingo Gondo
  • Tatsuya Nakadai: Chief Detective Tokura
  • Kyoko Kagawa: Reiko Gondo
  • Takashi Shimura: Chief of Investigation Section
  • Tsutomu Yamazaki: Kidnapper


The soundtrack, composed by Masaru Sato, enhances the film’s tension and emotional depth, contributing significantly to its atmospheric storytelling.


High and Low has received critical acclaim and several awards, including the prestigious Kinema Junpo Award for Best Film in Japan.

Behind the Scenes

During the making of the film, Kurosawa insisted on shooting in real locations, including the slums of Yokohama, to ensure authenticity. The attention to detail extended to the props and costumes, reflecting the socio-economic divide central to the story.