Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is a classic American tale of a simple-minded man who lives an extraordinary life. The film is a heartwarming story about love, loss, and redemption.

Forrest Gump synopsis

As they wait for the bus at a bus stop in Savannah, Georgia, a stranger starts hearing the story of Forest, who just happened to be walking by at any moment he felt like talking. Forrest had been born with average intelligence (IQ-75) and was brought up by his loving mom that made his character honest and polite.


However, Forrest lives a remarkable life despite his constraints. He transforms into a football star at the University of Alabama and reunites with an old flame, Jenny Curran. Similarly, Forrest is called up for the United States Army to fight in the Vietnam War where he rescues his compatriot named Bubba hence is regarded as a hero.


Following the war, he starts running a shrimp company which is now successful while marrying Jenny. On the other hand, Jenny cannot seem to let go of drugs and alcohol leading to a separation from the couple.


After several years, Forrest finds out that Jenny has passed away due to drug abuse. Forrest attends her funeral and as a last scene she sits on a bench on the street and tells him the rest of the story.


‘Forrest Gump’ is an enrapturing and everlasting film centered on concepts like love, loss, and repentance. It celebrates humanity’s goodness and faith.

Interesting Facts

  • Tom Hanks received nominations for being the best actor in this film and was also nominated in 13 Academy awards for best picture and best director. The film received six awards, including Oscar for the best cinematography, actor in a leading role [Hanks], and director of the year.
  • This was the most expensive film released by Paramount Pictures with an estimated budget of 55 Million dollars.
  • Forty films were conducted on thirty-five different sites across the globe including; Alabama, California, Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maryland, North Carolina, and Washington, D.C.
  • According to Catherin, one’s life is like a box of chocolates, because nobody knows what they are going to fetch.

What makes Forrest Gump great?

There are many reasons why Forrest Gump movie is good. It is warm, touching, motivating, and hilarious. The movie is also well made as it has good performances, direction and writing.


It shows how love, friendship and the support of a good family can turn any person’s life around. It inspires people that no matter what one goes through one should never give up. It’s quite funny ironically since there are numerous hilarious scenes in comedy sense.

The message of Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is a film about the importance of hope, friendship, and love. It is a story about how anyone can achieve anything, no matter their circumstances.


The film’s message is especially important in today’s world. It is a reminder that we should never give up on our dreams, no matter how difficult things may seem. It is also a reminder that we should always be kind to others, even those who are different from us.


Forrest Gump is a film that will stay with you long after you have seen it. It is a film that will make you laugh, cry, and think. It is a film that will inspire you to be the best version of yourself.


  • Director: Robert Zemeckis
  • Writer: Eric Roth


  • Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump
  • Robin Wright as Jenny Curran
  • Gary Sinise as Lieutenant Dan Taylor
  • Mykelti Williamson as Bubba Blue
  • Harold G. Hersey as Elvis Presley
  • Sally Field as Forrest’s mother

Forrest Gump Introduction

The film Forrest gump was released in 1994, it is an epic comedy drama, loosely adapted from the novel of the same name published by Winston Groom in 1986. The movie narrates the story about Forrest Gump, a man who has average intelligence quotient (IQ) 75 and who witnesses or participates in major historical occurrences that happened during the closing years of last century.

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