Your Name

Your Name is a visually stunning animated film directed by Makoto Shinkai, telling the enchanting story of two teenagers who mysteriously swap bodies and embark on a journey to meet each other.


The film follows the lives of Mitsuha Miyamizu (voiced by Mone Kamishiraishi), a high school girl living in the rural town of Itomori, and Taki Tachibana (voiced by Ryunosuke Kamiki), a high school boy in bustling Tokyo. Mitsuha, frustrated with her life in the countryside and the pressures of her family’s Shinto shrine, wishes to be a handsome Tokyo boy in her next life. Her wish seemingly comes true when she starts swapping bodies with Taki in her dreams.

At first, both Mitsuha and Taki are bewildered by their body-swapping predicament. They communicate by leaving notes and messages on their phones, gradually learning to navigate each other’s lives. Mitsuha enjoys the excitement of Tokyo, while Taki experiences the warmth and traditions of rural life. As they grow closer through their unique connection, they start to develop feelings for each other, despite never having met in person.

The body-swapping suddenly stops, prompting Taki to search for Mitsuha. With only his sketches and fragmented memories to guide him, he embarks on a journey to find the town of Itomori. When he arrives, he is devastated to learn that Itomori was destroyed by a comet three years earlier, and Mitsuha and many others perished in the disaster.

Determined to save Mitsuha, Taki drinks from a shrine ritual sake that Mitsuha had offered, allowing him to return to her body and warn the town about the impending comet strike. The film reaches its climax as Mitsuha and Taki work together across time to avert the disaster, ultimately succeeding in evacuating the town and changing the course of fate.

The film concludes with Mitsuha and Taki, now living in the altered timeline where the disaster was averted, feeling a lingering sense of longing and familiarity. In a poignant final scene, they cross paths in Tokyo, finally recognizing each other and sharing a tearful and hopeful reunion.

  • Taglines: “Experience Japan’s #1 film of the year.”
  • Genres: Animation, Drama, Fantasy
  • Duration: 106 minutes
  • Year: 2016
  • Rated: PG
  • Metascore: 79

Interesting Facts

  • Your Name became the highest-grossing anime film worldwide, surpassing Studio Ghibli’s Spirited Away.
  • Director Makoto Shinkai was inspired by the works of Haruki Murakami and the concept of red string of fate in Japanese culture.
  • The film features meticulously detailed animation, capturing the beauty of both rural and urban Japan.
  • The soundtrack, composed by the Japanese rock band RADWIMPS, played a significant role in the film’s emotional impact.
  • A live-action adaptation of Your Name is in development, with J.J. Abrams attached as a producer.

What Makes the Film Great?

Your Name is celebrated for its breathtaking animation, emotional depth, and intricate storytelling. The film’s exploration of themes like fate, connection, and longing resonates deeply with audiences, making it a poignant and unforgettable cinematic experience.


Makoto Shinkai directed Your Name, bringing his signature style of stunning visuals and heartfelt storytelling. Shinkai is also known for other acclaimed works such as 5 Centimeters Per Second and Weathering with You.


  • Mone Kamishiraishi (Stephanie Sheh): Mitsuha Miyamizu
  • Ryunosuke Kamiki (Michael Sinterniklaas): Taki Tachibana
  • Masami Nagasawa (Laura Post): Miki Okudera
  • Etsuko Ichihara (Glynis Ellis): Hitoha Miyamizu
  • Ryo Narita (Kyle Hebert): Katsuhiko Teshigawara
  • Aoi Yuki (Cassandra Morris): Sayaka Natori