The Shining

The Shining is a chilling psychological horror film directed by Stanley Kubrick. It follows Jack Torrance as he succumbs to the sinister forces within an isolated hotel.


The Shining is a chilling psychological horror film directed by Stanley Kubrick. It follows Jack Torrance as he succumbs to the sinister forces within an isolated hotel.


Jack Torrance, an aspiring writer and recovering alcoholic, takes a job as the winter caretaker of the Overlook Hotel, a remote resort in the Colorado Rockies. He brings his wife, Wendy, and their young son, Danny, who possesses a psychic ability known as “the shining,” allowing him to see the hotel’s horrific past.

As winter sets in and the hotel becomes snowbound, Jack’s mental state deteriorates. The hotel’s malevolent influence begins to haunt him, driving him to madness. Danny’s visions grow more disturbing, revealing the gruesome history of the Overlook, including the fate of the previous caretaker who went mad and killed his family.

Wendy becomes increasingly alarmed by Jack’s erratic behavior and tries to protect Danny from his father’s escalating violence. The tension builds as Jack descends deeper into insanity, driven by the hotel’s supernatural forces and his own inner demons.

The film reaches a terrifying climax as Jack, now completely unhinged, turns on his family. Wendy and Danny must navigate the hotel’s labyrinthine corridors and supernatural dangers to escape Jack’s murderous rampage. The suspense culminates in a gripping final confrontation that leaves viewers on the edge of their seats.

  • Taglines: “He came as the caretaker, but this hotel had its own guardians – who’d been there a long time”
  • Genres: Horror, Thriller, Drama
  • Duration: 146 minutes
  • Year: 1980
  • Rated: R
  • Metascore: 66

Interesting Facts

  • The film is based on Stephen King’s novel of the same name, although there are significant differences between the book and the movie.
  • Jack Nicholson’s performance as Jack Torrance is widely regarded as one of the greatest in horror cinema.
  • The line “Here’s Johnny!” was ad-libbed by Nicholson and has since become iconic.
  • The film was shot almost entirely on sound stages in England, with only a few exterior shots filmed at the Timberline Lodge in Oregon.

Behind the Scenes

Stanley Kubrick was known for his meticulous and exacting directing style, often requiring numerous takes to achieve the perfect shot. Shelley Duvall, who played Wendy Torrance, endured significant stress during filming, performing scenes repeatedly under intense pressure. The iconic “Here’s Johnny!” scene took three days to film and used sixty doors. Kubrick’s perfectionism extended to the film’s set design, creating a hauntingly surreal atmosphere that added to the psychological horror.


Although The Shining did not receive major awards at the time of its release, its reputation has grown over the years. It has since been recognized as a classic of the horror genre and is included in many “greatest films” lists. The film’s impact on popular culture and its influence on the horror genre are undeniable, cementing its status as a masterpiece.

What Makes the Film Great?

The Shining stands out for its unsettling atmosphere, masterful direction, and powerful performances. Stanley Kubrick’s meticulous attention to detail and use of innovative filming techniques create a sense of dread and unease that permeates the entire film. The haunting imagery and psychological depth make it a standout in the horror genre.


Stanley Kubrick is renowned for his diverse and influential body of work, including films like 2001: A Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange. His direction of The Shining showcases his ability to blend psychological horror with striking visual storytelling.


  • Jack Nicholson: Jack Torrance
  • Shelley Duvall: Wendy Torrance
  • Danny Lloyd: Danny Torrance
  • Scatman Crothers: Dick Hallorann