Crime Movies

Crime Movies

High and Low

High and Low is a gripping crime thriller that explores the stark contrast between the wealthy and the impoverished in post-war Japan. The story follows a businessman who faces a moral dilemma when his son is kidnapped. With a taut...



Joker is a dark psychological thriller directed by Todd Phillips, delving into the origins of the iconic villain through the story of Arthur Fleck, a troubled man who transforms into the Joker amidst a society that disregards him.


Witness for the Prosecution

Witness for the Prosecution is a classic courtroom drama that masterfully intertwines suspense and surprise. It follows the trial of Leonard Vole, accused of murdering a wealthy widow.


The Usual Suspects Synopsis

The Usual Suspects is a gripping thriller about five criminals and a mysterious crime lord. This 1995 film by Bryan Singer features an unforgettable twist that has captivated audiences worldwide.


American History X Synopsis

American History X delves into the life of Derek Vinyard, a former neo-Nazi, as he attempts to steer his younger brother away from the path of hate. This powerful drama explores themes of racism, violence, and redemption.


Léon: The Professional Synopsis

Léon: The Professional is a captivating thriller directed by Luc Besson. It follows a hitman who forms an unexpected bond with a young girl, leading to a gripping tale of survival and revenge.


The Departed Synopsis

The Departed is a thrilling crime drama directed by Martin Scorsese. The story revolves around an undercover cop and a mole in the police force, leading to a tense cat-and-mouse game.


The Green Mile Synopsis

The Green Mile is a poignant exploration of life and death within the confines of a 1930s prison. This film, adapted from Stephen King's novel, delves into the complexities of humanity through the eyes of death row guards and their...


City of God Synopsis

City of God is a powerful and raw depiction of life in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. Directed by Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund, the film follows the lives of young boys navigating the dangerous world of gang violence...


The Silence of the Lambs Synopsis

The Silence of the Lambs is a psychological horror-thriller that delves into the mind of a brilliant but dangerous serial killer, Hannibal Lecter, and the young FBI agent, Clarice Starling, who seeks his help to catch another serial killer. This...


Se7en Synopsis

Se7en is a gripping thriller that delves deep into the human psyche, exploring the darkest aspects of human nature. The film follows two detectives as they hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi.


Goodfellas Synopsis

A gripping crime drama that delves into the life of a mobster. Directed by Martin Scorsese, the film offers a raw and unflinching look at the mafia world, centered around the rise and fall of Henry Hill.


Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction​ Pulp Fiction is a 1994 American Crime film that is comprised of four tales about violent comedy dialogue. It takes place in LA and focuses on a group of criminals. Is famous for its unconventional plot, extensive use...


12 Angry Men

12 Angry Men is a captivating courtroom drama that delves deep into the intricacies of justice, prejudice, and moral responsibility. Set in a tense jury room, twelve diverse jurors must confront their biases and preconceptions as they deliberate the fate...


The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight The Dark Knight is a film released in 2008 that was directed by Christopher Nolan, and it stars Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart and Gary Oldman. This film is the sequel to Nolan’s Batman trilogy after...


The Godfather (1972)

The Godfather (1972) The Godfather is a 1972 American crime film directed by Francis Ford Coppola, who co-wrote the screenplay with Mario Puzo, based on Puzo’s best-selling 1969 novel of the same name. The film stars Marlon Brando, Al Pacino,...


Nightmare Alley

Nightmare Alley Nightmare Alley is a 2021 noir-style psychological thriller film directed by Guillermo del Toro and starring Bradley Cooper, Cate Blanchett, Rooney Mara, Toni Collette, David Strathairn, Richard Jenkins, Willem Dafoe, Ron Perlman, and Mary Steenburgen. The film is...
