animation Movies

Animation Movies

Your Name

Your Name is a visually stunning animated film directed by Makoto Shinkai, telling the enchanting story of two teenagers who mysteriously swap bodies and embark on a journey to meet each other.


Princess Mononoke

Princess Mononoke is an epic animated fantasy film directed by Hayao Miyazaki, depicting the struggle between industrialization and nature through the journey of Ashitaka and San.


Toy Story

Toy Story is a groundbreaking animated film by Pixar that delves into the secret life of toys, focusing on the adventures and friendship of Woody and Buzz Lightyear.



Coco is a vibrant animated film by Pixar that delves into the rich traditions of Día de los Muertos through the journey of a young boy named Miguel who dreams of becoming a musician.


Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

In this visually stunning animated film, multiple Spider-People from different dimensions team up to save the multiverse. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse redefines the superhero genre with its innovative animation and compelling story.


Grave of the Fireflies Synopsis

Grave of the Fireflies is a poignant and heartbreaking story of two siblings, Seita and Setsuko, struggling to survive during World War II. This Studio Ghibli film offers a profound look at the human cost of war.


WALL-E Synopsis

WALL-E, directed by Andrew Stanton, is a beautifully animated film that tells the story of a lonely robot on a post-apocalyptic Earth. The film explores themes of love, loneliness, and environmentalism through the eyes of the charming and diligent WALL·E.


The Lion King Synopsis

The Lion King is a timeless animated classic that follows Simba, a young lion, on his journey to reclaim his kingdom and embrace his destiny as king. The film blends beautiful animation, memorable music, and a powerful story of growth...


Spirited Away Synopsis

Spirited Away is a mesmerizing animated film from Studio Ghibli, directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The story follows a young girl named Chihiro who discovers a magical world filled with spirits and mysterious creatures


Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse In the sequel to the acclaimed Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Miles Morales is once again thrust into the Spider-Verse when he encounters a new team of Spider-People from different dimensions. Together, they must fight against the...
